Weekly Trading Update

Bitcoin (BTC)
C$5,149 (US$3,908)
February 25, 12:01 pm
Shane Thomson, CFA
Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
Coin Profile
Bitcoin is a decentralized coin enabling
revolutionary means to exchange value across the
globe. It continues to be the biggest and most
influential coin, encouraging peer-to-peer payment
networks powered by its users with no central or
middle authority.
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Coins Outstanding:
Maximum Coins:
21 mm
Current Mining Fee (USD):
February 25, 2019
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
â–  General Cryptocurrency News:
Nasdaq has started to track BTC and ETH indices for customers with access to
Nasdaq’s Global Index Data Service.
After leaks and speculation, Samsung officially announced that its Galaxy S10
smartphone will include a dedicated secure storage function for crypto private
keys, “Samsung Knox”. The S10 will store a user’s private keys “for
blockchain-enabled mobile services”, according to Samsung.
Less then a week after J.P. Morgan announced their play into the stable coin
market, Japanese bank Mizuho Financial Group announced they will launch
their own stable coin pegged to the Yen. Their coin will be used to facilitate
payment and remittance services.
Crypto-related companies are accessing the public markets in non-traditional
ways, via the takeover of existing publicly traded companies. Several crypto
exchanges have pursued reverse mergers to offer their shares to the public.
Earlier this month, U.S. crypto broker-dealer Voyager Digital achieved a listing
on Toronto’s Venture Exchange after purchasing control of mineral exploration
firm UC Resources.
â–  BTC News:
• Bitmain announced a new ASIC mining chip that they say will increase BTC
and BCH mining profitability by being more energy efficient.
• Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian stated that he thinks the recent suppression
of the price of BTC is bullish for the industry. Alexis believes it has driven out
the speculators, leaving behind a concentration of die hard enthusiasts who
are motivated to improve the infrastructure needed to take BTC into the future.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• So far 2019 has seen sharp price movements, both up and down, broken up by
periods of stability as the price of BTC tries to find direction. Almost two full
months into the year, the price of BTC is slightly higher than where it started on
January 1
â–  Current Environment:
• Last week was a wild ride in the cryptocurrency markets. The price of BTC
spiked on Monday and again on Saturday, only to fall sharply on Sunday.
However, with more upward momentum than downward, the price of BTC
remains up on the year.
• Volumes for the week were higher compared to the previous week, averaging
2.3 million coins per day.
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
Coins Outstanding:
Coin Profile
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs
smart contracts: applications that run exactly as
programmed without any possibility of downtime,
censorship, fraud or third-party interference. These
apps run on a custom built blockchain. Ether is the
cryptocurrency generated by and used on the
Ethereum platform.
Maximum Coins:
Ether (ETH)
C$188 (US$142)
February 25, 12:01 pm
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
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Shane Thomson, CFA
Current Mining Fee (USD):
February 25, 2019
â–  ETH News:
• The next ETH hard fork, the Constantinople fork, that was scheduled to
occur last month has been rescheduled for this week at block 7,280,000,
which is expected around 9:00am on February 28th.
• This network hard fork is part of scheduled protocol upgrades. It is expected
to be non-contentious and not expected to create two different
• Constantinople is one of the key milestones in Ethereum’s roadmap. The
changes in this upgrade will lay the platform for Ethereum’s protocol shift
from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). These updates are integral
to Ethereum’s long-term strategy of increasing network capacity, while
decreasing energy consumption from mining.
• Researchers from Standford University and Visa Research jointly developed
a privacy mechanism for Ethereum smart contracts. According to a published
paper describing the mechanism, the researchers created a “fully-
decentralized, confidential payment mechanism” call “Zether” that is
consistent with both Ethereum and other smart contract platforms.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• After a positive start to the year, ETH declined for most of January before
gaining positive momentum in February. Accounting for both movements up
and down, the price of ETH is above where it started the year.
â–  Current Environment:
• The price of ETH rose steadily last week, participating in the spike in price
BTC experienced on Saturday, before declining sharply on Sunday amidst a
global cryptocurrency sell off. All in, the price of ETH is up the year.
• Volumes where stronger this week averaging 33.1 million coins per day. Last
weeks volumes were 28.0 million coins per day.
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
99.99 Billion
Coin Profile
XRP is the decentralized native currency employed by
Ripple. Ripple is a settlement system, currency
exchange and remittance network created by Ripple
Labs Inc. It is built upon a distributed open source
internet protocol, and supports tokens
representing fiat currency or cryptocurrency.
The company purports to enable “secure,
instantly and nearly free global financial
transactions of any size with no chargebacks.”
Coins Outstanding:
Maximum Coins:
C$0.44 (US$0.34)
February 25, 12:01 pm
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
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Shane Thomson, CFA
Current Mining Fee (USD):
100 Billion
â–  XRP News:
• XRP’s price jumped Monday on the news that Coinbase will soon support XRP
on its platform.
• Mercury FX’s CEO talked about the benefits of XRP for sending money around
the world cheaper and faster than SWIFT.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• After some sharp spikes both up and down, XRP is currently trading slightly
below where it started the year.
â–  Current Environment:
• XRP experienced a very volatile trading week last week, spiking in price
before the weekend before falling again over the weekend and then spiking
on Monday’s Coinbase news.
• Volumes for the week averaged 2.57 billion coins per day. This was up from
last weeks volume of 1.62 billion coins per day.
February 25, 2019
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
Coin Profile
Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency
and open source software project released under
the MIT/X11 license. Creation and transfer of
coins is based on an open source cryptographic
protocol and is not managed by any central authority.
The coin was inspired by, and in technical details is
nearly identical to, Bitcoin.
Coins Outstanding:
Maximum Coins:
84 mm
Litecoin (LTC)
C$62 (US$47)
February 25, 12:01 pm
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
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Shane Thomson, CFA
Current Mining Fee (USD):
February 25, 2019
â–  LTC News:
• Relative price underperformance versus EOS last week resulted in
LTClosing its fourth place position in terms of global cryptocurrency
rankings by market capitalization.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• LTC has been a relative out performer in comparison to other major
cryptocurrencies so far in 2019 as it has traded positive for most of the
â–  Current Environment:
• After experiencing a larger negative price decline later last week
versus the positive price spike earlier in the week, LTC ended down on
the week, one of the first times all year the price of LTC was down
week over week.
• Volumes for the week averaged 28.8 million coins per day.
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
Coin Profile
Bitcoin Cash is peer-to-peer electronic cash for
the Internet. It is fully decentralized, with no central
bank and requires no trusted third parties to operate.
Bitcoin Cash is the continuation of the Bitcoin project
as peer-to-peer digital cash. It is a fork of the Bitcoin
blockchain ledger, with upgraded consensus rules
that allow it to grow and scale.
Coins Outstanding:
Maximum Coins:
21 mm
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
C$183 (US$138)
February 25, 12:01 pm
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
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Shane Thomson, CFA
Current Mining Fee (USD):
February 25, 2019
â–  BCH News:
• No significant BCH related news last week.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• The price of BCH has drifted sideways to negative during 2019,
without benefiting in the same magnitude from the offsetting February
positive price spikes that other cryptocurrencies experienced.
â–  Current Environment:
• BCH experienced a much larger downward price correction late last
week than the positive price spike it saw earlier in the week, resulting
in it being down on the week.
• Volumes for the week traded up averaging 3.3 million coins per day,
compared to last weeks volumes of 1.9 million coins per day.
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
8 mm
Coin Profile
Dash is an open source peer to peer cryptocurrency.
On top of Bitcoin’s feature set, it currently offers instant
transactions, private transactions and operates a self-
governing and self-funding model that enables the
Dash network to pay individuals and businesses to
perform work that adds value to the network. Dash’s
decentralized governance and budgeting system
makes it a decentralized autonomous organization.
Coins Outstanding:
Maximum Coins:
22 mm
C$112 (US$85)
February 25, 12:01 pm
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
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Shane Thomson, CFA
Current Mining Fee (USD):
February 25, 2019
â–  DASH News:
• Dash Nigeria recently integrated GigaLayer, a web domain name and
hosting service in Nigeria that services 13 countries across Africa and
6,000 businesses. This service allows merchants, including department
stores, grocery stores, gift cards, and other key services, to accept Dash
as payment. Prior to this, Bitcoin was the only crypto option for payment.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• Dash has traded like other major cryptocurrencies in 2019, with the price
trending generally down in January followed by positive price performance
in February, resulting in the currency now trading up on the year.
â–  Current Environment:
• Dash was relatively stable in comparison to other cryptocurrencies last
week, experiencing a smaller spike up offset but a larger decline in price
over the weekend that resulted in Dash being down on the week.
• Volumes for the week averaged 2.3 million coins per day.
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

Technical Trading Score*:
Date Of Inception:
Primary Use:
107 mm
Coins Outstanding:
Maximum Coins:
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
C$5.77 (US$4.38)
February 25, 12:01 pm
All figures in USD$, unless otherwise specified
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Shane Thomson, CFA
Current Mining Fee (USD):
Coin Profile
Ethereum Classic is an open-source, public,
blockchain-based distributed computing platform
featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. It
provides a decentralized Turing-complete virtual
machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which
can execute scripts using an international network of
public nodes. ETC has a value token called “ether”,
which can be transferred between participants or stored
in a cryptocurrency wallet.
February 25, 2019
â–  ETH Classic News:
• No significant ETC related news last week.
â–  Trading History YTD:
• ETC has experienced a generally negative start to the year with
more downward than positive price movement.
â–  Current Environment:
• Following the broader cryptocurrency market, ETC experienced a
volatile week last week.
• Volumes averages 59.4 million coins per day. This was up form last
weeks volume of 50.4 million coins per day.
In the image above, a Bull represents relatively favourable technical analysis indicators and a Bear represents relatively unfavourable technical analysis indicators.

The information contained in this report has been compiled by Bitvo Global Inc. (“Bitvo”) from sources believed to be reliable, but no
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accounting or tax advice or individually tailored investment advice. This material is prepared for general circulation to clients and has
been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. The Bull and Bear
symbols represent relatively favourable or unfavourable technical indicators, respectively, and the presence or absence of these
symbols and any language pertaining to these symbols does not represent any advice, representation or guidance from Bitvo as to
whether you should buy, sell or hold any cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrencies or services contained in this report may not be suitable
for you and it is recommended that you consult an independent advisor if you are in doubt about the suitability of such
cryptocurrencies or services. This report is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Past performance is not
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is volatile and rapidly changing and, as a result, the latest published reports available to clients may not reflect recent material
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without the prior consent of Bitvo.
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February 25, 2019

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